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Open Canvas 1.1 is a FREE software program with features that make it comparable to even the most expensive professional software.

Replay Image/Event Function


Record your art process by saving as an "Event File" (.WPE). It allows you to watch your drawing process as if someone were drawing it in real-time. When replaying an Event File, you can stop your process at any time and continue painting from wherever you left off. 



Networking is a unique feature in OpenCanvas 1.1 that allows you to paint with friends. By use of a third party VPN client, such as the free one Evolve, you can connect with friends all over the world. All you need to get started is a mouse or tablet, a fairly stable internet connection, and to have OpenCanvas and your VPN client installed, with an account created and confirmed - and at least one friend!

One friend will be the Client and one will be the Host. The Host will create a party using the VPN software and invite the Client(s). After accepting the invitation and connecting to the Party, the Client(s) will receive the IP address of the Host. The Client(s) then use this to connect. Meanwhile, the Host sets up the number of layers (always use 3!).

Once the Host and the Client(s) have entered the IP address from the VPN program, and an optional password, they can connect and begin to draw together. What a great way to spend time with far away friends and share a hobby!

Customizable Brushes


Open Canvas 1.1 has four types of brushes. The Pencil/Pen brush is a hard, thin brush which is great for sketching. The Watercolour brush is a large, flow-flow/opacity brush for smooth blending. The Blur brush can blur certain sections of your image. And finally, the Eraser brush, which can erase any lines you've put on the canvas. You can customize the size, hardness, and flow of each brush and save a set of up to five brushes for each brush type.

Layer Mode


Open Canvas has three layer modes: Multiply, Add, Subtract. Achieve unique colours and looks by layering colours. Never lose layer information by saving as a .WPB.

Customizable User Interface


The user interface can be moved and resized to fit your needs. You move everything to where you want it and increase the size of windows. Have a lot of layers? Make the layer window larger to accommodate it. Have a problem moving around your canvas in the preview window? Make it bigger so you can click and drag with ease.

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